Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Prettify Your SharePoint Access Denied Page!

In one of my recent engagements, I had to customize the default "Access Denied" page in SharePoint 2010. I tried to be creative - therefore, I created a brand new SharePoint 2010's "Access Denied" page that provides a "friendly" message with a "friendly" graphic to be user-friendly. Below is the screenshot of the "Access Denied" custom layouts page I created:

I kept all existing hyperlinks that exist in the default "Access Denied" page. In addition, I created a hyperlink that can allow users to click to automatically send an email to SharePoint support. My hyperlink will open an outlook with pre-populated subject and body with dynamically generated text values.

Try today!

If you have done similar or just have a better, creative idea, please share!

Friday, May 3, 2013

SharePoint 2013: My Tasks Not Updating

SharePoint 2013: My Tasks Not Updating

Seen the following error messages?
  • Sorry, we’re having trouble refreshing your tasks
  • Last updated at 1/1/1901 12:00 AM
If you are using a dedicated service account for your My Site hosting web application pool identity and Work Management Service, then you will need to do more than just creating a Work Management Service Application and starting the service.

Let's suppose that we have the following service accounts:
  • Work Management Service (honggyem\spworkmgmt)
  • User Profile Service (honggyem\spupssvc)
  • Intranet (or primary) Web Application Pool Identity (honggyem\spwebapp1)
  • My Site Host Web Application Pool Identity (honggyem\spwebapp2)

If you have created User Profile Service and My Site Web Application correctly, you should have correct permissions granted to the farm account, web application pool identity 1 and 2. Since your Work Management Service account is a separate service account, all you need to do is to add that account to the User Profile Service Application's Permissions list as shown below:

Once the above is configured as shown, your aggregated My Tasks in SharePoint 2013 will start functioning. Hope this helps and comment if you are struggling!

Post SharePoint 2013 Configuration PowerShell Script

Post SharePoint 2013 Configuration PowerShell Script

Whenever I deploy SharePoint 2013, I always use a dedicated service account for any service I configure or start. The idea is that you have each service account configured with minimum privileges granted for its purpose only and such setup will help you understand where your SharePoint environment fails in case of any error. I use the below PowerShell script more than anything every time I configure SharePoint 2013. This script will allow you to grant required database access to your web application content database(s). If you have more service applications or if you have more web applications, you will need to make slight modifications to the script. With no further introduction, I will share my script.

$urls = "http://intranet.honggyem.com","http://mysite.honggyem.com"
$superuser = "honggyem\spsuperuser"
$superreader = "honggyem\spsuperreader"

$intranetapppoolid = "honggyem\spwebapp1"
$mysiteapppoolid = "honggyem\spwebapp2"

$performancepointaccount = "honggyem\spppoint"
$accessserviceaccount = "honggyem\spaccess"
$excelserviceaccount = "honggyem\spexcel"
$visioserviceaccount = "honggyem\spvisio"
$bcsserviceaccount = "honggyem\spbcs"
$appmgmtserviceaccount = "honggyem\spappmgmt"
$workmgmtserviceaccount = "honggyem\spworkmgmt"
$count = 1

(Measure-Command {
 foreach ($url in $urls) {
  $w = Get-SPWebApplication -Identity $url

  $w.Properties["portalsuperuseraccount"] = $superuser
  $w.Properties["portalsuperreaderaccount"] = $superreader
  write-host $count "- SP Web Application Name:" $w.Name
  write-host "......Superuser account:" $w.Properties["portalsuperuseraccount"]
  write-host "......Superreader account:" $w.Properties["portalsuperreaderaccount"]

  write-host "......Intranet Application Pool Identity account:" $intranetapppoolid

  write-host "......My Site Application Pool Identity account:" $mysiteapppoolid

  write-host "......PerformancePoint Service account:" $performancepointaccount

  write-host "......Access Service account:" $accessserviceaccount

  write-host "......Excel Service account:" $excelserviceaccount

  write-host "......Visio Service account:" $visioserviceaccount

  write-host "......Business Connectivity Service account:" $bcsserviceaccount

  write-host "......App Management Service account:" $appmgmtserviceaccount

  write-host "......Work Management Service account:" $workmgmtserviceaccount


Save the above as a .ps1 file such as GrantAccessToProcessIdentityForServiceAppsForSP2013.ps1 for your convenience. When you execute, make sure you are:
  1. a farm administrator
  2. a sysadmin in SharePoint DB server
  3. logged into a SharePoint server and open the SharePoint PowerShell with "Run As Administrator"
Comment if you have any question or would like to know anything more in detail.